Produce & Teas


Prairie Horizons Farm grows a variety of other fruits and vegetables, which vary by year and season.  You can also find hazelnuts and some preserved items, made with produce from the farm. Call ahead for availability 320-760-8732

  • Nanking cherries: June
  • Garlic scapes: June
  • Raspberries: July
  • Chokecherries: Mid-July
  • Garlic bulbs: August

Most other produce items can be purchased primarily in August and September.


Slow down and sip a freshly brewed cup of wild-gathered tea, straight from the prairie.

One such prairie tea comes from the “Buffalo Bellows” plant (Amorpha canescens). Others from our land include Bergamont, Sumac and Mint.

The Lakota and other Native tribes called the plant “Buffalo Bellows” because it blooms during the rutting season of the buffalo (or bison). During this time, males make bellowing sounds to attract a mate.


Our mission is to build a farm-based system of healthy food production, processing and distribution that is economically sound, environmentally responsible and beneficial to future generations.

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